Jessica Bennett is an independent curator based in Manchester, UK. Her current research and curatorial practice seeks to explore how we traverse, and work within the conditions of contemporary society ~ using notions of exchange, collectivity, and connectivity as filters through which to better understand a future built on sustainability, solidarity and care.
Bennett’s practice is rooted firmly within the artist-led; finding solace in spaces that allow for urgent critical questions and ideas to emerge. She is fascinated with alternative curatorial methods, working to understand and examine the exhibition space as an engaging and participatory space for artistic research.
Since obtaining an MA in Creative and Cultural Industries Management (2017), Bennett has worked to develop an understanding of the structures and systems needed to develop modes of sustainability, care, and solidarity in the arts. This has seen her work with key organisations in the UK, such as the Liverpool Biennial, The NewBridge Project, System Gallery, and more recently, Manchester based project PINK, to devise and deliver projects that expand contemporary issues and dialogues.
Bennett also participated in the 4th iteration of The Curatorial Thing: The Curator is Weather, a curatorial research programme by SixtyEight Art Institute as well as East Call: a curatorial residency Programme ran in Budapest and Bratislava by East Topics.
Bennett is currently the new Director of Paradise Works, Manchester.